Hi There,
In this blog post, I'll share how to manage your TeamsWork App subscription when you have subscribed using Microsoft Teams/App Source.
Customer that subscribed using Stripe, please check this page.
Customer that subscribed using Azure, please contact us.

1) How to Download my Invoices
You can access and download your invoices here:
2) How to Change Plan
Upgrade your Monthly / Yearly plan
Open the subscription page in Microsoft 365 Admin center: https://admin.microsoft.com/adminportal/home?#/subscriptions Find the Subscription you wish to change plan and click on it to open it

Click on the "change to a new subscription" link, which will open a panel on the right side for you to choose your new plan

Switch from a Monthly plan to a Yearly plan
You cannot directly convert a Monthly plan to a Yearly plan. To switch from a Monthly plan to a Yearly plan, you'll first need to cancel your subscription.
After that, Go to the Subscribe page for the specific product you want to switch:
Under the Billing Term choose 1-year subscription

3) FAQ About TeamsWork App Subscription
TeamsWork subscriptions done through AppSource / Teams / Azure are entirely managed by Microsoft commercial marketplace. Please refer this documentation for more informaiton: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/
Can I Cancel My Plan?
Microsoft offers a 72-hour grace period during which you can cancel a SaaS subscription. After this period, no cancellations are possible.
Can I Change Plans Before the End of the Period?
You can switch to another plan that has the same billing period. For instance, if you're subscribed to a monthly billing plan (e.g., Premium plan), you can upgrade to the Professional plan while still using the monthly billing option. In other words, you can not change your plan from monthly to yearly and vice versa.
Whenever you change your plan during a billing period, the billing is prorated according to the billing term.
For example, if you've used the Premium plan for 20 days of a monthly billing period and switch to the Professional plan, you'll be invoiced for 20/30 days of the Premium plan and 10/30 days of the Professional plan for the current month.
The "Subscriptions" option isn’t visible under "Manage Your App"
If the "Subscription" option doesn’t appear when you click "Manage Your App," it means your account isn't the one that made the subscription. Only the account used for the subscription can see this option. If the person managing the subscription is unavailable, try the following:
Go to this link: https://appsource.microsoft.com/
Log in into your account, click your profile badge, and follow the link shown in the image below.
If you access this page, scroll to the "App" section and check for the subscription. If visible, click on it to upgrade.
If you don’t see or can’t access it, you may need to create a new subscription. We can later raise a ticket to Microsoft to cancel the existing one.
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